Get Started

Garden API is a comprehensive API that can be used to access information a list of plants and flowers

To use this API, you need an API key. Please contact us at to get your own API key.

Get All Plants

To get a list of all plants and flowers, make a GET request from the following URL :

Get Individual Plant or Flower using ID

To get an Individual plant or flower, make a GET request from the following URL, with the plant id :


Field Type Description
id String plant/flower id


Create a new plant or flower

To create a new plant or flower, make a POST request to the following URL :


Field Type Description
botanicalName String Plant Botanical Name.(Required)
plantName String General plant name.(Required)
description String A string that describes the plant or flower:(Required)
flowerColor String Color of the flower if any.(Required)
nativeRegion String Native region in which the plant originates or grows predominately.(Required)
growthHabits String When the plants grows...annual or perennial (Required)
foodNutrients String What nutrients the flower has for pollinators - Pollen or Nectar (Required)
waterRequirements String Levels of water suitable for the growth of the flower or plant (Required)
companionPlants String Types of other plants that can be grown with the given plant or flower (Required)
bloomingTimes String Which session do the plants bloom (Required)
plantHeight String What height the plant/flower grows to in Inches or CM (Required)
imgUrl String Url for a picture of the plant or flower(Required)


The Garden API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request. A status code of 400 indicates that the server did not understand the request due to bad syntax.
401 Unauthorized
404 The requested resource was not found at the URL given.
409 The request could not be processed because of conflict in the current state of the resource.